Dumage |
- Weird, Cool and Unusual Mailboxes
- More Hilarious Santa Humor
- Beautiful Mermaids
- Top 25 Sport Movie Characters
- Beginning of Movie Stars – Women’s Part
- The One and the Only – Chuck Norris
- Comics Superheroic Kisses, Hugs…
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- The Beginnings of Movie Stars – Men’s Part
- Great and Beautiful Waterfalls
- Amazing Art by Fire!
- Relief of Eyes
- Funny Pics Collection
- Hilarious Soccer Players’ Caricatures
- No Way These Are Pencils!
- Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Bananas
- Splendor and Misery of Rio de Janeiro
- Bald World Champions
- Funny Car Modifications
- Funny and Creative Pac-Man
- WTF Engineering Solutions
- In Anticipation of an Aliens
- Unbelievable Stepmothers
- Incredible Fantasy Worlds – 3D Art
- Incredible Artwork by Paper
- Fun With Liquify Tool
- Hilarious Caricatures of Celebrities
- Magical Landscapes
- Worst Sports Injuries
- Incredible Fantasy Images
Weird, Cool and Unusual Mailboxes Posted: 26 Dec 2010 02:42 PM PST Since the beginning of time, people have been inventing all kinds of things… Some more weird than others… Bored with their old, square, solid mailboxes, some people thought to make new and personalized ones, that could represent a small aspect of their life. Their creations have proven to be the funniest mailboxes ever. Enjoy this, and maybe You get some idea for your mailbox! |
Posted: 25 Dec 2010 02:18 PM PST Jokes about Santa are frequent, and they are always funny. We all love Santa, especially when he is on vacation or drunk : ) Nowadays we can see that he is looking for a new job and work as a successful businessman, and he is cashing his trademarks… His helpers also doing some other jobs … Well, just have fun while you watching these pics!! |
Posted: 24 Dec 2010 02:48 PM PST A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Mermaids have a broad representation in folklore, literature, and popular culture. The word is a compound of “mere”, the Old English word for sea, and “maid”, a woman. |
Posted: 23 Dec 2010 02:24 PM PST Sports movies? Somebody say they sucks, somebody is indifferent, but I just love them. So, I have try to create a list of my favorite sport movies, then try to narrow the list and separate the movies by sports, and finally I decide to make a list of best sport movie characters. The choice was rather difficult, because there is so many movies of so many sports; finally, there it is: top 25 characters from sport movies! Bill Murray: Space JamPlayed By: Bill Murray Skip Engblom: Lords of DogtownPlayed By: Heath Ledger Sanka: Cool RunningsPlayed By: Doug E. Doug Tyler Durden: Fight ClubPlayed By: Brad Pitt and Edward Norton Birdie: Above The RimPlayed By: Tupac Shakur Eddie Felson: The HustlerPlayed By: Paul Newman Maggie Fitzgerald: Million Dollar BabyPlayed By: Hilary Swank Billy Hoyle and Sidney Dean: White Men Can't JumpPlayed By: Woody Harelson & Wesley Snipes Jesus and Jake Shuttlesworth: He Got GamePlayed By: Ray Allen and Denzel Washington Ricky Vaughn: Major LeaguePlayed By: Charlie Sheen Frankie Dunn: Million Dollar BabyPlayed By: Clint Eastwood Randy The Ram: The WrestlerPlayed By: Mickey Rourke Reggie Dunlop: Slap ShotPlayed By: Paul Newman Forrest Gump: Forrest GumpPlayed By: Tom Hanks Herman Boone: Remember The TitansPlayed By: Denzel Washington Gordon Bombay: Mighty DucksPlayed By: Emilio Estevez Mr. Kasuke Miyagi: Karate KidPlayed By: Pat Morita Happy Gilmore: Happy GilmorePlayed By: Adam Sandler Michael Jordan: Space JamPlayed By: Michael Jordan Muhammad Ali: AliPlayed By: Will Smith Mickey Goldmill: Rocky I-IIIPlayed By: Burgess Meredith Jake La Motta: Raging BullPlayed By: Robert De Niro Eric Liddell And Harold Abrahams: Chariots Of FirePlayed By: Ian Charleson and Ben Cross Ray Kinsella: Field Of DreamsPlayed By: Kevin Costner Rocky Balboa: Rocky FranchisePlayed By: Sylvester Stallone |
Beginning of Movie Stars – Women’s Part Posted: 22 Dec 2010 02:47 PM PST Here we go again! After actors, we present You a random list of famous actresses, with their first appearance on screen. So, we believe that You already knows where were their beginnings; anyway, we dig a little, find few pics, and now You can reassess your knowledge. Also visit our article The Beginnings of Movie Stars – Men's Part to see men’s part of the story. Enjoy. Angelina Jolie1st appearance: “Cyborg 2″ (movie), 1993 Natalie Portman1st appearance: “Léon” (movie), 1994 Eva Mendes1st appearance: “Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror” (movie), 1997 Cate Blanchett1st appearance: “Paradise Road” (movie), 1997 Drew Barrymore1st appearance: “Altered States” (movie), 1980 Scarlett Johansson1st appearance: “North” (movie), 1994 Jodie Foster1st appearance: “Menace on the Mountain” (TV movie), 1970 Demi Moore1st appearance: “Parasite” (movie), 1982 Meryl Streep1st appearance: “Julia” (movie), 1977 Jamie Lee Curtis1st appearance: “Halloween” (movie), 1978 Nicole Kidman1st appearance: “Five Mile Creek” (TV series), 1983 Fran Drescher1st appearance: “Saturday Night Fever” (movie), 1977 Monica Belluci1st appearance: “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (movie), 1992 Julia Roberts1st appearance: “Satisfaction” (movie), 1988 Kim Basinger1st appearance: “Starsky and Hutch” (TV series), 1976 Jennifer Beals1st appearance: “My Bodyguard” (movie), 1980 |
The One and the Only – Chuck Norris Posted: 21 Dec 2010 02:18 PM PST With beard and roundhouse kick, he bring up the pain! Man, I can’t believe how many jokes are made for this B-movie actor. He crushes everything and everyone. There’s no famous person that didn’t feel the power of his roundhouse kick ! : ) I’ve made a little gallery of his caricatures and made the list of my favorite jokes. So, enjoy… until Chuck find out about this post ;) 1. Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris. 2. Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. 3. Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night. 4. Chuck Norris doesn’t breathe, he holds air hostage. 5. When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways. 6. Bullets dodge Chuck Norris. 7. If scientists cloned Chuck Norris, the possibility of their roundhouse kicks contacting would destroy the universe. 8. There are aliens but they are waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they invade. 9. Chuck Norris was once having sex in a tractor/trailer when some of his sperm escaped into the engine. You may now know this truck as Optimus Prime. 10. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. 11. Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. 12. Chuck Norris counted to infinity – twice. 13. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain. …and, finally… in fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten. |
Comics Superheroic Kisses, Hugs… Posted: 19 Dec 2010 12:20 PM PST From fans to fans! I always liked comic books, I even think that I’ve learned to read from them. When I discovered “Marvel” and “DC comics“, wow, I was delighted! Spiderman with his archenemies, Superman with his outworld powers, Batman and incredible Jocker, Captain America, mighty Thor, and of course X – men! I surely left someone out, but, this isn’t story of superheroes – this is a gallery of their relationships: kisses, hugs, close relationships, loves… Actually, it is complicated to explain, so enjoy these pics, and remind me of some couple that I miss! Batman & Poison IvyDaredevil & ElektraSpiderman & Black CatSuperman & Wonder WomanGambit & RoguePoison Ivy & SupergirlSuperman & SupergirlBatman & RobinWolverine & Emma FrostRogue & IcemanIceman & MystiqueCecilia & NightcrawlerWolverine & Jean GrayGambit & PsylockeReed Richards & Sue StormWolverine & StormMystique & StormCable & Moira MacTaggertCyclops & White QueenColossus & Kitty PrideBatman & SelinaBatman & Scarlet WitchBatman & CatwomanSpiderman & ShadowcatCaptain Britain & Courtney RossBlack Panther & Storm |
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Posted: 18 Dec 2010 02:46 PM PST An Apocalypse (Greek: Apokálypsis; “lifting of the veil” or “revelation”) is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The term also can refer to the eschatological final battle, the Armageddon, and the idea of an end of the world. These perceptions may better be related to the phrase “apokalypsis eschaton”, literally “revelation at ( or of ) the end of the eon, or age”. In Christianity The Apocalypse of John is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Christian Bible. |
The Beginnings of Movie Stars – Men’s Part Posted: 17 Dec 2010 11:20 AM PST We believe that you already knows where they made their first appearances, but we present you a list of famous actors and their first roles. Whether it was in the movie or in a TV show,lead role or as a support actor,before few years or a decades ago, they surely made great careers after that. And, we will soon show You a list of famous actress and their beginnings! Also visit our article The Beginnings of Movie Stars – Women's Part to see women’s part of the story. Enjoy. Tom Hanks1st appearance: “He Knows You’re Alone” (movie), 1980 Johnny Depp1st appearance: “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (movie), 1984 Tom Cruise1st appearance: “Risky Business” (movie), 1983 Robin Williams1st appearance: “Happy Days” (TV series), 1978 Jim Carrey1st appearance: “Earth Girls Are Easy” (movie), 1989 Will Smith1st appearance: “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (TV series), 1990 Leonardo DiCaprio1st appearance: “Parenthood” (TV series), 1990 Sylvester Stallone1st appearance:The Party at Kitty and Stud’s (soft pr0n), 1970 Brad Pitt1st appearance: “Dallas” (TV series), 1987 Antonio Banderas1st appearance: “Labyrinth of Passion” (movie), 1982 Denzel Washington1st appearance: “Carbon Copy” (movie), 1981 Orlando Bloom1st appearance: “Wilde” (movie), 1997 Jackie Chan1st appearance: “Hand of Death” (movie),1976 Sean Connery1st appearance: “Another Time, Another Place”, (movie), 1958 Clint Eastwood1st appearance: “Revenge of the Creature” (movie), 1953 Harrison Ford1st appearance: “Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round” (movie), 1966 Matt Damon1st appearance: “Mystic Pizza” (movie), 1988 |
Great and Beautiful Waterfalls Posted: 16 Dec 2010 02:38 PM PST Here is the collection of some extremely beautiful photos of waterfalls. Enjoy. Victoria FallsIn the world of great waterfalls the grand Victoria Falls of South Africa has truly stolen away the lime light from the last many years. It has been one of the major tourist attractions of South Africa. People just love to view the exotic and spectacular natural beauty of these great falls. Most of the tourists from all across the world enjoy their vacations with their family members in the lapse of these huge water curtains. The great Victoria Falls of South Africa are one of the Seven Wonders of the World today. These great waterfalls are located on the Zambezi River which lies in the Southern Africa. The grand Zambezi River lies between the two countries of South Africa and they are Zambia and Zimbabwe. These great waterfalls are also known as "Mosi-Oa-Tunya" by the local residents of South Africa which literally means the Smoke of the Thunders. The chilled water of the great Victoria Falls from a height of 1200 meters which make this water fall one of the highest waterfalls of the world. Iguazu FallsIn the world of ostentatious and majestic waterfalls of the world, the great Iguazu Falls have stolen away the glare of publicity. The great Iguazu Falls have been the major tourist attractions from the last many years. These giant water curtains are cited in the lapse of the grand Iguazu River which is located on the frame of the Brazilian State and the Argentine prefecture. These grand and glorious waterfalls divide up the Iguazu River into two parts: one part is the upper Iguazu and the other part is the lower Iguazu. These gigantic waterfalls are one of the major tourist's attractions for the visitors as well as the local residents of Brazil and Argentina. These mammoth waterfalls are comprised up with entire natural beauty and splendor. These waterfalls mainly separate two major countries and they are Brazil and Argentina. These giant water curtains are taller than the famous Niagara Falls and they are as wide as 275 cascades. For the duration of the rainy season in between November and April, the water level of these falls tremendously increases and adds enough charm to its gorgeousness and attractiveness. Huangguoshu, ChinaAlso known as Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall, Haungguoshu waterfall is one of the largest plunge in Asia. Witnessing this cascading water, its mightiness can be only first thing one can think of. Positioned on Baihe River, Huangguoshu is around 77.8 meters high and about 101 meters wide. Hundred of thousands of people visit this place every year. Besides the Great Wall, this is undoubtedly the best attraction in China. Blue Nile Falls, EthiopiaThis waterfall is also christened as Tis Issat, which means smoking water. Along with being a major tourist attraction, Blue Nile Falls is extensively used generate power in the area. More and more people are visiting this place, providing Ethiopia a great tourist income. It is located on Blue Nile River and is probably the best spot to visit, when in Ethiopia. Angel Falls, VenezuelaFeel the peak of mightiness at Angel Falls, where huge mass of water plummets beautifully from the height of 978 meters, making it the highest waterfalls of the world. The source of this fall is the pinnacle of Auyan Tepuy, a mountain from where the water plunges without any interruption. However, more interesting than the fall is the entrance. This fall can be accessed from Canaima National Park, the only gateway to Angel Falls, and is reached by air. Witnessing all these falls in a lifetime is an ecstasy rarely gained. However, visit to any one also promises remarkable gratification. Niagara Falls, Canada/USAWith more than 14 million visitors every year, Niagara Falls is probably the most admired waterfall around the world. This magnificent plunge shares its beauty with two countries and is a combination of three falls. The Bridal Veil Falls and American Falls can be witnessed from New York City. And the glorious panorama of Horseshoe Falls can be viewed from Canada. Due to the natural vista around the falls, this destination has attracted various tourist businesses like hotels, adventures, and tour packages. Jog Falls, IndiaGushing over River Sharavathi, Jog Falls is considered to be the largest waterfall in India. The plunge is around 829 feet high, which is roughly 253 meters. To witness the most splendid views of Jog Falls, it's advisable to visit this destination in monsoon season, as very little water can be seen in arid days. However, during monsoon, this plunge exceeds the volume and height of Kaiteus Falls. Gullfoss, IcelandAlso known as 'the Golden Falls', Gullfoss waterfall is a remarkable double cascade with an altitude of 32 meter, perfectly positioned on White River. This destination is considered to be one of the most popular tourist places in Europe mainly because of the panorama it creates in summer days. During arid season, the glacial runoff and rainwater makes its way through this waterfall and runs into the White River. It is probably the best attraction in Iceland. Dettifoss Water FallsDettifoss is 44m tall and 100m wide. The stream is so powerful and you can hear the roar from distance if you visit Jökulsárgljúfur National Park, Iceland. The waterfalls transfers 500 cubic meters of waters per second from Vatnajökull glacier down to the sea. You can snap beautiful objects from the two different side of the waterfalls. Sutherland FallsThe waterfalls is located in Fiorland National Park, New Zeland. It is famous for the rough stream, beautiful scenery, and the Milford Track. Loads of people know that this tack is one of the finest track in the world. Kaieteur FallsIf you have enough money, you can go to Kaieteur falls in Postaro river, Guyana. Because the transportation is poor, not so many people know about this beautiful object. The Kaieteur Falls drops 221m and spreads 100m from one side to the others. The current is so strong so that the power is often matched with Iguazu falls, Niagara falls and Victoria falls. Yosemite FallsThe waterfalls is known as one of the tallest in the world and it stands 2425ft from the lower course. Yosemite Falls is the eye of Yosemite national park and if you come in a right time, you can get this waterfall flowing its hard and rough stream from the cliff. Angel FallsAngel falls plunging 979m down and it is known as the tallest waterfalls on earth. Local people named this place as Auyantepuy (Devil's Mountain). This waterfalls hides many histories and stories. You can see this place at the rain forest of Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Plitvice WaterfallsPlitvice Waterfalls is renowned since the late of 19th century. Plitvice Waterfalls offers the beauty of 2 lakes and green areas around it on this area, you can find a 70m tall waterfalls and beautiful Boardwalks. If you like to visit Plitvice Waterfalls, you should go to Northern Dalmatia. It is located at 2-hour drive south Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia actually. Great FallsGreat Falls, also known as Grindstone Falls, has a height of 10m or 33 feet, and a crest width of 5m or 16 feet. It is located on the Grindstone Creek in Waterdown section of Hamilton just off Mill Street, and has year round flow. A viewing platform has been built beside the waterfall as well as a parking lot. This area, known as Smokey Hollow, was once heavily industrial, as the Grindstone Creek was a power source for a sawmill at the base of Great Falls, as well as other mills that appeared over the years. By 1912, however, the mills had all closed, as the water level in Grindstone Creek had gone down and the steam engines that propelled the waterpower were acknowledged to be too dangerous. Today, thanks to a rehabilitation program implemented by Waterdown residents, the locality is a beautiful and well-kept park. Damajagua FallsThis inspiring activity for nature lovers takes you beyond the gold-sand beaches of Puerto Plata and into the silver-capped mountains for the 27 waterfalls of Damajagua, a fairytale-like labyrinth of tunnels and caves set against a backdrop of rural mountain scenery. Trek through jungle and scale rock mounds as high as 40 feet before cascading into crystal-clear natural swimming pools. The most intrepid explorers hike the hour required to reach the highest waterfall before descending a three-hour-long track. A shorter but no less challenging trail scrambles up and down the first seven falls with plenty of swimming breaks in between. Kegon Falls. JapanIt IS one of Japan’s three great waterfalls, taking water from the nearby Lake Chuzenji down 318 feet off the edge of a cliff to a river below. You can took an elevator down to an observation deck for a spectacular view.It is usually shrouded in fog and mist. To the side of the falls is an impressive display of cobalt rock formations. |
Posted: 15 Dec 2010 02:17 PM PST Pyrography is the art of decorating wood or other materials with burn marks resulting from the controlled application of a heated object such as a poker. It is also known as pokerwork or wood burning. Pyrography means “writing with fire” and is the traditional art of using a heated tip or wire to burn or scorch designs onto natural materials such as wood or leather. Burning can be done by means of a modern solid-point tool (similar to a soldering iron) or hot wire tool, or a more basic method using a metal implement heated in a fire, or even sunlight concentrated with a magnifying lens. This allows a great range of natural tones and shades to be achieved – beautiful subtle effects can create a picture in sepia tones, or strong dark strokes can make a bold, dramatic design. Varying the type of tip used, the temperature, or the way the iron is applied to the material all create different effects. Solid-point machines offer a variety of tip shapes, and can also be used for “branding” the wood or leather. Wire-point machines allow the artist to shape the wire into a variety of configurations, to achieve broad marks or fine lines. This work is time-consuming, done entirely by hand, with each line of a complex design drawn individually. After the design is burned in, wooden objects are often coloured, sometimes boldly or more delicately tinted. Light-coloured hardwoods such as sycamore, basswood, beech and birch are most commonly used, as their fine grain is not obtrusive, and they produce the most pleasing contrast. However, other woods, such as pine or oak, are also used when required. Pyrography is also applied to leather items, using the same hot-iron technique. Leather lends itself to bold designs, and also allows very subtle shading to be achieved. Specialist vegetable-tanned leather must be used for pyrography, (as modern tanning methods leave chemicals in the leather which are toxic when burned) typically in light colours for good contrast. Pyrography is also popular among gourd crafters and artists, where designs are burned onto the exterior of a dried hard-shell gourd, usually with dramatic results. (source: Wikipedia) Mahogany doughnut bowlOld CarCar and the BarnWolf face burned on basswoodTyr and FenrirBook CoverGreen Sea TurtleSupernovaLoon on NestHorseLynxOld CabinChinese pyrographyZebrasMoon Worshipper – WolfCeltic StyleSpirit of Celtic WarriorFalconJohn L SullivanRasputinThe Creek |
Posted: 13 Dec 2010 02:37 PM PST Armenian photographer Suren Manvelyan has shoot these amazing photos of eyes. I couldn’t believe eye iris have so much bulges and dents. Look at for Yourself. |
Posted: 12 Dec 2010 01:48 PM PST Check out these photos and I’m sure You will laugh to tears. Some are fake but they are good. |
Hilarious Soccer Players’ Caricatures Posted: 10 Dec 2010 02:14 PM PST These days everything revolves around football. Today I have some really funny caricatures of famous football players. Well, here are the images. RonaldoCarlos PuyolLuis FigoLionel MessiKakaMichael BallackRonaldinhoWayne RooneyDavid BeckhamThierry HenryCarlos TevezChristiano RonaldoDavid Villa by Niall O’loughlinDidier Drogba…and, finally, the greatest of all time – Pele by Tiago Hoisel |
Posted: 09 Dec 2010 02:16 PM PST These Sculptures are amazing! I couldn’t believe these are made of pencils! They were made by artist Jennifer Maestre. Enjoy. 3 to 1 TwistAsteridaeAurora – DetailAuroraChimeraFlexHeat WaveHiveImpLunaMaterializeMinxOwlOzmaSeetheSilkieSpineSpringtime Tall TaleTerpsichoreTiamat |
Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Bananas Posted: 08 Dec 2010 02:14 PM PST |
Splendor and Misery of Rio de Janeiro Posted: 07 Dec 2010 11:24 AM PST Few cities in the world can boast of luxury as you can see in this city. The sumptuous palaces, natural beauty and many tourists. To many people is life’s unfulfilled desire to visit at least ones a lavish carnival or to enjoy the beautiful beaches. But in this city there is one dark side of life, poverty and misery have knocking on the doors of many homes. The fight against crime is here everyday. However, if you arrive in Rio de Janeiro, you will not be disappointed, because in spite of hardship, people are full of optimism, and they live their lives in the rhythm of music and dance. |
Posted: 05 Dec 2010 01:49 PM PST History points for Serbia has won Viktor Troicki that was in decisive, the fifth match blew away from the field Mikael Llodra 6:2, 6:2, 6:3 and so complete a turnaround in the third day of the grand finale at Belgrade Arena! For Serbian tennis team all went according to plan – a victory and… haircut! The winners of Davis Cup, besides great game, to viewers around the world, were provided a spectacular haircut. When it calmed down a bit madness in the Arena, Davis Cup team of Serbia, headed by the President of the Tennis Association of Serbia Slobodan Zivojinovic did what he promised – cutting to the head! The legendary Bob was first sat in the chair, and then Novak Djokovic, Viktor Troicki, Nenad Zimonjic, Janko Tipsarevic… Big names in the world of tennis were stood on the podium happy and bald. The idea of clipping occurred spontaneously, as a joke. Serbian athletes are good athletes, and even better friends. Their friendly attitude, patriotism and sense of humor have contributed to a good game and good mood in the team! Of course, one should mention are two beautiful Serbian world-class tennis player, Jelena Jankovic and Ana Ivanovic, who, along with his colleagues, has been in the top. Congratulations Serbian team to great victory! |
Posted: 04 Dec 2010 01:41 PM PST Sometimes people do some changes on their cars to make them faster, stronger or more beautiful. But sometimes those changes are just for fun. Look at these images and You will see what I’m talking about. |
Posted: 03 Dec 2010 02:54 PM PST Pac-man was born in on May 22,1980. in Japan. He is now one of the most popular game characters in the world. His biggest enemies are Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde who try to catch him. Today, there are many versions of this game, for example: Ms. Pac-Man (1982), Pac & Pal (1983), Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp (1983), Pac-Mania (1987)… |
Posted: 02 Dec 2010 02:14 PM PST |
Posted: 01 Dec 2010 02:14 PM PST We’ll give you a ride trough Solar System. Some speculations says that maybe there is a life on one of Saturn’s moons… So Keep an eye on them. ;) Around the Solar SystemWith dozens of spacecraft currently orbiting, roving or otherwise and traveling through our solar system, I thought it would be interesting to get a general snapshot in time, using images from NASA and ESA spacecraft near Mercury, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and a few in-transit to further destinations. Collected here are recent images gathered from around our solar system, at scales ranging from mere centimeters to millions of kilometers. (source) 1. On Sept. 8, 2010, a C3-class solar flare erupts from the Sun. Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. The eruption also hurled a bright coronal mass ejection into space. (NASA/SDO) 2. Features on the surface of Mercury, including craters Kipling (lower left) and Steichen (upper right). Image taken on September 29, 2009 by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington) 3. Earth and the Moon from afar – when NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft took this image on May6, 2010, it was 183 million kilometers (114 million miles) away. North is toward the bottom of the image. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington) 4. A setting last quarter crescent moon and the thin line of Earth’s atmosphere are photographed by an Expedition 24 crew member as the International Space Station passes over central Asia on Sept. 4th, 2010. (NASA) 5. The Earth as seen from the Moon on June 12, 2010. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) team created this mosaic of images snapped on 12 June 2010 during a calibration sequence. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University) 6. Brightly lit metropolitan areas of Torino (Italy), Lyon, and Marseille (both in France) stand out amidst numerous smaller urban areas in this dramatic photograph taken by a member of the ISS Expedition 23 crew on April 28, 2010. (NASA/JSC) 7. Aurora Australis seen above the Earth in this image taken by a member of the ISS Expedition 23 crew on May 29, 2010. (NASA/JSC) 8. A meteor streaks past stars in the night sky over Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain, southern England on August 12, 2010. The Perseid meteor shower is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a stream of space debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. Picture taken using a long exposure. (REUTERS/Kieran Doherty) 9. The Mertz Glacier flows off East Antarctica along the George V Coast, and on January 10, 2010, the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this true-color image of an iceberg that had broken off the glacier tongue. (NASA Earth Observatory/Jesse Allen/NASA EO-1 team) 10. Photo taken by astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock aboard the International Space Station on August 22nd, 2010. “The beauty of Italy, on a clear summer night, stretching out into the Mediterranean Sea. You can see many of the beautiful islands lit up and adorning the coastline including Capri, Sicily, and Malta. The city of Naples and Mt. Vesuvius stand out along the coast.” (NASA/Douglas H. Wheelock) 11. Hurricane Danielle seen from low Earth orbit on on August 28th, 2010. Photo taken by astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock aboard the International Space Station. (NASA/Douglas H. Wheelock) 12. A pit in the Moon – this high Sun view of the Mare Tranquillitatis pit crater on Earth’s Moon reveals boulders on an otherwise smooth floor. Image is approximately 400 meters wide, taken on April 24th, 2010. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University) 13. The Sun’s Last rays strike the central peak of Bhabha crater on Earth’s Moon just before sunset. Image taken on July 17th, 2010. (NASA/GSFC/Arizina State University) 14. NASA’s LROC spacecraft reveals a natural bridge on the Moon. From the LROC website: “How did this natural bridge form? The most likely answer is dual collapse into a lava tube.” Image taken in November of 2009. (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University) 15. The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the ESA spacecraft Mars Express took this image of Mars’ moon Phobos on 7 March 2010. (ESA) 16. A single dune on the surface of Mars, seen by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) at 2:11pm local Mars time on July 9th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona) 17. Windblown features are visible on this shield volcano structure in Mars’ Tharsis Region seen by NASA’s HiRISE camera on July 31st, 2010. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona) 18. Dune gullies in Mars’ Matara Crater, seen by NASA’s HiRISE camera orbiting Mars on July 24th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona) 19. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity looks back at its tracks in the Martian soil on Sol 2321 (August 4th, 2010) (NASA/JPL) 20. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity points its Panoramic Camera at the soil, seeing a bit of itself and a closer view of its tracks on June 23rd, 2010. (NASA/JPL) 21. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity looks at a section of a rock where it ground away the outer layer to examine the material closer on January 7th, 2010. (NASA/JPL) 22. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity uses its microscopic camera to get a closer view of a rock on the surface of Mars on February 17th, 2010. (NASA/JPL) 23. This photo provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) on July 10, 2010 shows the asteroid “Lutetia” shot by the comet chaser “Rosetta”. The European Space Agency has taken the closest look yet at asteroid Lutetia in an extraordinary quest some 280 million miles in outer space between Mars and Jupiter. The comet-chaser Rosetta transmitted its first pictures from the largest asteroid ever visited by a satellite Saturday night July 10, 2010 after it flew by Lutetia as close as 1,900 miles (3,200 kilometers), ESA said in Darmstadt, Germany. (AP Photo/ESA) 24. In these photographs released by NASA September 9, 2010, a fleeting bright dot on each of these images of Jupiter marks a small comet or asteroid burning up in the atmosphere. The image on the left was taken on June 3, 2010, by amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley, in Broken Hill, Australia, when he obtained the image with a 37-centimeter (14.5-inch) telescope. Wesley’s image is a color composite. The fireball appears on the right side of Wesley’s image. The color image on the right was taken by amateur astronomer Masayuki Tachikawa, of Kumamoto, Japan, on August 20, 2010. The fireball appears in the upper right of Tachikawa’s image. (REUTERS/NASA) 25. A view of Saturn and its moon Enceladus, taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft on August 13, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 26. Sunlight illuminates the deep cut of 1,000-km-long Ithaca Chasma on Saturn’s moon Tethys. Seen by by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft on June 2, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 27. Cassini sees one of its closest views of Saturn’s ring-embedded moon Daphnis yet, only about 75,000 kilometers (47,000 miles) away on July 5th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 28. Saturn’s moon Rhea (1528 km or 949 mi across) is gently lit in front of a background of the planet with a wide shadow cast by the rings which are seen nearly edge-on, seen by Cassini on may 8th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 29. The surface of Saturn’s moon Dione is rendered in crisp detail against a hazy, ghostly Titan on April 10, 2010. The view was acquired by Cassini at a distance of approximately 1.8 million km (1.1 million mi) from Dione and 2.7 million km (1.7 million mi) from Titan. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 30. As Enceladus spews water ice from its south polar region, Cassini also shows Saturn’s faint G ring before the moon, April 26th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 31. Cassini gets a close-up view of the surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus on August 13, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) 32. A 30-frame sequence showing Cassini’s approach to the icy plumes of Enceladus on August 13th, 2010. (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) – click on image to view animated gif |
Posted: 30 Nov 2010 01:42 PM PST These stepmothers are phenomenal! They adopted not just “strange looking kids”, they adopted “veeeeeery strange looking kids”! All kidding aside. These are best examples of parenthood, and what is the meaning of the phrase “being good parent”. We should learn from them. |
Incredible Fantasy Worlds – 3D Art Posted: 29 Nov 2010 12:47 PM PST These amazing pictures were done by Portugal artist Arthur Rosa. It is obvious that he really loves SF. Enjoy. |
Posted: 28 Nov 2010 02:11 PM PST What You need to create such a beautiful sculptures? Paper, glue, water and lot of creativity and imagination. The authors of these masterpieces of art, mostly motivated by Native Americans, are Allen and Patty Eckman. Enjoy their incredible artwork. |
Posted: 27 Nov 2010 02:56 PM PST Liquify tool is one of the most popular, most used and most interesting tools in Photoshop, specially if You are beginner (like me). You can make some fun without knowing “magic of Photoshop”. In this article You can see what some people were done with couple of pictures, using this tool. You also can see our articles Beware of Photoshop and Photoshop Diet where we present some Photoshop manipulations in which mostly is used liquify tool as well. Enjoy. |
Hilarious Caricatures of Celebrities Posted: 25 Nov 2010 01:29 PM PST Anthony Geoffroy has already thrilled us before with his caricatures in our article “Caricatures of Celebrities by Anthony Geoffroy“. We now have several of his new works. Enjoy. Jean Reno |
Posted: 23 Nov 2010 02:52 PM PST What to say except WOW! These landscapes are amazing! Photographer Mu Zhen has captured the treasure! |
Posted: 22 Nov 2010 02:58 PM PST These are examples of sport injuries that makes You to shudder, to blind eye or (and) to turn your head to the other side. Warning! This is not NSFW gallery, but some images are very disturbing! |
Posted: 21 Nov 2010 02:32 PM PST These fantastic images were done by Andy Park – concept artist / illustrator. Enjoy his incredible artwork. |
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