sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

2leep.com latest links

2leep.com latest links

You Know Its a Hood Birthday When…, The Best Films From Quentin Tarantino, Healthy Breakfast and more


You Know Its a Hood Birthday When?
The original cake for imeninika

The Best Films From Quentin Tarantino
quentin tarantinos best fims ever made

Healthy Breakfast
Missing your first meal - breakfast? Not good! Are you a working women and no time for making breakfast for family

New Ninja Supervision
Ninja must be top secret person

Amazing Sensual Rock Sculptures at Khajuraho
Khajuraho has the largest group of medieval Hindu and Jain temples, famous for their erotic sculpture. The Khajuraho group of monuments has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The name Khajuraho, ancient ?Kharjurav?haka?, is derived from the

Girls Eating Ice Cream (24 Photos)
A collection of photos of sexy girls eating ice cream, you can see more pictures inside the post.

My Baby?s The Shit?
A collection of funny Baby Pictures

What Women Love To See In Man
It?s not just about being tall, dark and handsome. There are certain ?manly? qualities about guys that can make any woman go weak in her knees. And while you may think it?s all about the looks, guess what?

Gay Rituals of Bohemian Grove [Video]
Forget about Bilderberg. America hosts its own top-secret pow-wow every summer in the woods of California, and some of the past participants at the all-male Bohemian Grove party have included presidents, foreign royalty and Hollywood elite.

Why People Want Religion
In ancient time, brahmana and ksatriya are the highest caste. However, they?re not very productive. Brahmana are simply religious leaders. Ksatriya are simply murderer.

10 Incredibly Obscure Experts
Seriously? You?re expert in that?

The Worlds Fattest Kid At Only 6 Years Old
Suman Khatun, a five year-old obese Indian girl who suffers from a suspected hormonal imbalance, is so insatiably hungry, she is eating herself to death, doctors fear.

Dumbo Brought Friends
"When I see the elephant fly"... You all remember that part from the song in "Dumbo" cartoon...Well, these doggys are willing to take their shot at it :).

Is This Hate or Love?
Differentiating which one hate you and which one love you is essential for gene pool survival. Let?s try a few sample.

President Obama?s Side Business
A collection of funny Pictures

Top 10 Most Expensive Things Money Can Buy, An Ugly Dog Contest, Pretty Poker Women and more


Top 10 Most Expensive Things Money Can Buy
There are things in this world that amaze each of us but a very few are there who can actually have the taste of things.

An Ugly Dog Contest
These ugly dogs are competing in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest. They are terribly ugly but their owners love them just the same.

Pretty Poker Women
These are some of the sexiest women that you?ll ever see at the 2011 World Series of Poker. The tournament was held at the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sure would be nice to sit across from one of these ladies during a hand of fi

How to Be a Manly Man
The Manly Man walks with a swagger and carries himself with pride. He is solid in his choice of judgment and is not swayed by external forces. He wears what he wants, does what he wants and goes where he wants without worrying about what other people may

Two Words - Tottaly Bizzare
I don`t have a clue why would anyone waste time on something so bizzare, but I guess someone find this interesting...

A collection of funny animals Pictures

Your Problem
The picture you have to see

Amazing and Classic American Cars
It had a classic split grill design, which is a common feature among the muscle cars you find. Though it debuted as an alternative for the 1963 Pontiac LeMans, GTO later became a model series of its own in 1966 but ended in 1967, hence making it among

Perfect Couples
There are people that really find a perfect match. I?m glad they found love.

Anger Managment
Collection of the Internet greatness

Pictures Taken at The Right Time
These pictures stop all of the action at just the right moment.

Tucked away in the middle of the Indian Ocean, this island is by itself paradise, with tender and bright white sand, surrounded by beautiful blue sea, full of palm and coconut trees.

Adopted Children Burial Grounds
Weird tradition in Tibet, adopted children that die for whatever reason are buried in the trees. As a result, forest is adorned with small coffins. Creepy.

Global Street Fashion is Crazy
A collection of funny Pictures

15th Annual Redneck Games
Its All About Fun. Like Bollywood Hollywood Models And Insurance Android Gadgets Mobiles And More...

Fantastic Illustrations by Jacek Yerka, Starting a New Hobby, Too Big For You and more


Fantastic Illustrations by Jacek Yerka
It?s fairly common for a book or a film to put us so deep into our imagination that we visualize another age or even another world.

Starting a New Hobby
Even though I live in Trivandrum, the capital of the Kerala State in India,

Too Big For You
That is too much

Animator Vs Animation Part 1 [Video]
The 1st part in the epic trilogy created by Alan Becker where a creation has turned against it's creator.

Babysitter [Video]
Dog takes car of baby, and it seems like he's having a lot of fun!

Little Swearing Girl [Video]
I swear, they grow up so soon.

Hilarious Exam Answers
Our readers were gracious enough to share some of their findings of awesome and totally spaced out exam answers with us

Royal Castle And Nights of Krakow
This post is about beautiful Krakow, to be more precise, about the night city and the Royal Castle.

Beautiful Indian Brides
These are some very beautiful Indian brides. All of their body jewelry, adornments, and tattoos make them especially radiant. Their wedding dresses and makeup also help to make them very beautiful brid

Horse Herpes Ruins Pageant [Video]
Video Horse Herpes Ruins Pageant

Lady Gaga Joined Gay Club in Sydney
The racy eccentric grabbed her own assets as she crouched down with two male backing dancers at gay club Nevermind.

World?s Top Selling Cars
This map shows some of the world?s top selling cars by country. Enjoy!

Or maybe it's a cockbra?

Funny Daily Pic Mania
You must see this funny pictures!

Demi Lovato Tries To Be Seductive
If there is anything more repulsive than unwarranted American female self-confidence I don?t want to know what it is. Just looking at these ?sexy? pictures of American teen star Demi Lovato turns the goat meat in my pious Muslim stomach

Twenty Ways to Wear the Plain White Tee, World’s Most Expensive Pair Of Woman’s Shoes, Best Print Ads Collection №33 and more


Twenty Ways to Wear the Plain White Tee
A Hanes shirt is the white tee of choice because the shirt can endure anything. I think of it as a blank canvas: dress it up or dress it down, you can do anything you desire to your plain white tee.

World?s Most Expensive Pair Of Woman?s Shoes
Imagine 4,600 sparkling rubies on your feet! Indeed, Harry Winston?s 3 million dollar Ruby Slippers have been beautified using 4,600 rubies, equaling a measure of 1,350 carats.

Best Print Ads Collection ?33
These funny and creative adverts won?t let you indifferent for sure!

Cute High Heels For Babies
Not only girls and women are the targets of manufacturers of high heels but baby girls from 0 to 6 months are their new customers.

Bridge Jumping
What are you gonna try this summer? Are you going to try bungee or free jumping from the bridge?

Another Crazy Shoe Collection #2
Very cool pictures. See it!

Guys! You Are Kinda Crossing The Line Here!
Selection of ludicrous and funny men

Caught On Camera At The Right Time
Collection of the funny pictures caught at the right time

HORROR TEN SPOT: John Carpenter's Scariest Moments
After a decade long respite, the greatly venerated John Carpenter has climbed back into the director's chair with the new horror feature THE WARD

People Playing Video Games
Funny Photos (portraits) of people playing video games

Burning Plane Landing in River [Video]
Dramatic new pictures have emerged of the moment a Russian passenger plane was forced to make an emergency landing on water in Eastern Siberia, killing seven people.

Cat Opens Treat Jar by Himself [Video]
Cats are usually stupid, but this one learned how to swat at a jar until it gives it food.

Shut Up Or?
Shut up or we'll adopt your kids

10 STEPS TO SAVE $100,000
Saving money, simplified in 10 easy steps!

$640,000 Aivazovsky Stolen
A fraud involving a painting by a prominent Russian marine landscape artist Ivan Aivazovsky, that is reported to be worth some $640,000, has been revealed in Moscow.

Jewelry from Real Human Bones, Owling Is the New Planking, 50 Funniest Justin Bieber Pics You've Never Seen and more


Jewelry from Real Human Bones
Columbine Phoenix is a talented jeweler with a taste for the macabre. She makes unique jewelry from human bones collected from medical schools and museums.

Owling Is the New Planking
If you?re still ?planking? you?re behind the times, a group of individuals have decided to move on from that practice and they are now practice ?owling.?

50 Funniest Justin Bieber Pics You've Never Seen
ustin Bieber is a genius in musical, he is our idol! We concerned about his words and deeds. He is our King of Pop!

Stupidest Birthday Kids [Video]
Kids are stupid enough to crash their own birthday parties. That's why there's never been a child president. Er.... yeah.

Colosseum Story
The Colosseum, originally called the Flavian Amphitheater (Amphitheatrum Flavium) is a large building in the city center of Rome.

Man Of Leisure [Video]
This dude has the best pool entrance I have ever seen in my life...he's welcome at my pool any day 96% 4%

Muddy People
This is what happens to people who attend Mud Day 2011 in Westland, Michigan. They seem to enjoy getting all muddy

Funny Pictures
A collection of funny Pictures

Le See Bubble Wrap? Le Pop Pop
The Comics funny for you

Too Much Tomatoes!
enjoyment at its best,its looks like heaven

Top 10 Unbelievable SMS Texting Stories
Can you believe that SMS can change your life? Yes, this thing is happened in with some people in this tragic world.

Madonna?s First Ever Televised Performance
Here?s the Madonna?s first-ever televised performance of ?Everybody? on 1982. She looks good in this video, young and pretty

Husky Dog Talking - " I Love You " [Video]
Mishka makes it clear just how much she loves ...

Night Satelite Image of Europe
Amazing photo night satelite image of europe

Jackass - New Form of Bungee Jumping [Video]
The guys of Jackass Two attempt a new form of bungee jumping.

Star Wars of Tunisia, How To Shade Your Yard, Random & Creative! #5 and more


Star Wars of Tunisia
Outer territory, Arkanis sector. Distance from the galaxy center - 43 thousand light years.

How To Shade Your Yard
There are many ways to provide shade for your yard using natural and man made materials.

Random & Creative! #5
Very cool pictures. See it!

10 Cool Character Explosions
It's always fun to watch shit blow up. It's even more fun to watch people blow up. Heads, bodies, assholes, it's all in good fun when it comes to Hollywood. Can you imagine ever seeing somebody explode in real life? How horrifying is that thought? You may

Best Movies of 2011! (So Far...)
OK folks, we?re halfway through 2011, and now, just before the next wave of summer blockbusters hits us, is probably as good a time as any to look back at the movies that hits screens throughout the first six months. So how has 2011 chalked up so far? R

Lion-funny Step Jungle King
A collection of funny animals Pictures

Stunning Transformer Statues
YumiModal specializes in Terminator statues, Alien Sculptures, Predator & Star Wars Replicas. All metal statues are hand-made from scrap metal auto-parts, unique, and made to order.

The Story Of The Afternoon Sleeping Dog
Story Of The Afternoon Sleeping Dog

Super Dangerous Russian Parkour Stunts [Video]
This guy laughs in the face of danger, especially when it's wearing novelty glasses.

British Bulldog Missy Watches Over Little Baby [Video]
British Bulldog Missy watches over little baby H. while he sleeps.

Funky Friday Fashion
Hey all! We?re starting Funky Friday Fashion and we want to include you! Do you have any hilarious pictures with crazy outfits you once wore? Send in your photos in by clicking .

Hard Lesson to Learn
Never park near the hydrant

Saved in the Last Moment
Amazing photos of a baseball fan saved from his friends on a baseball game from falling while trying to catch a ball

Very funny picture! See it!

Curious Kitten! [Video]
Maru wants to know everything!

Dog People Vs Cat People: An Infograph, They Make Others Feel Like Genius, Travel Tips for Passengers Packing and more


Dog People Vs Cat People: An Infograph
Dog People vs Cat People

They Make Others Feel Like Genius
Very funny pictures. Must see!

Travel Tips for Passengers Packing
Planning on taking a vacation or just going on a business trip? Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, you may have contemplated on bring one of your sex toys with you.

Here Comes the Sun
June 21 marked both the summer and winter solstice, the longest or shortest day of the year for sunlight depending on which hemisphere you reside

Best Funny Pic
A collection of funny best Pictures

A collection of funny Baby Pictures

All You Need To Know About Renewable Energy
Solar, wind, water and geothermal energy sources are the future of the industry and are expected to create 12 million new jobs through 2030

Tennis Game and Racquet Evolution
As by history of any sport, it is hard exactly to say when was tennis invented

Most Perfect Moments Ever
Collection of the funny pictures that will wonder you

Pushing The Duck To The Limit
A couple of guys tried to see how fast they could get the tea cups duck to spin

How to Escape from the Heat
How to escape from the heat Part 2

Batmobile by Casey Putsch Powered by Boeing Engines
Casey put Boeing engines which is usually used for helicopters. and moreover he put an iPad that used as an instrument screen as well as for navigation tool inside this Batmobile.

10 Untranslatable Foreign Language Words
If you thought that English could express, explain and verbalize it all ? well, guess what? It can not

Painful Sprinting Accident
This looks soooooo painful! See it!

Giant Shuttlecock
The picture you have to see

Egypt Pyramids, Kids Pop Singer, Pretty Chinese Girls and more


Egypt Pyramids
The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. There are 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt as of 2008.

Kids Pop Singer
A collection of funny Pictures

Pretty Chinese Girls
She is sweet adorable and naughty..She is Pretty

Wile E. Coyote in ?127 Hours? [Video]
Wile E. Coyote (also known simply as ?The Coyote?) and The Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from a series of Looney Tunesand Merrie Melodies cartoons.

Cheaters, Hide Your Cars!
If your going to cheat hide your car

Grand Canyon Skywalk
While not located in the Grand Canyon National Park, it is located in a smaller part of the same canyon system, offering a view like no other can.

Harry Potter: The End Starts Now!
The day is finally here kids, the biggest movie franchise in history is finally coming to an end.

Beautiful And Charming Pictures #2
You must see this cool pictures!

What Do Femen Activists Do This Summer?
Summer must be a good time for Femen girls? Nudity in hot weather is not that hard than in winter.

Sitting On Hot Stove Funny Video
DAM,LOL just can,t expect that

Words of Wisdom
Words that makes you go ?ahhh? but no practical use.

This award-winning camp is in the middle of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park , discreetly hidden in the wild landscape of the "Red Centre" of Australia, with views of Ayers Rock constantly in the background .

Rest in Danger
The picture you have to see

Yacht Girls in Bikini
A collection of beautiful yacht girls in bikini.

Beautiful Girls in Sport (22 Fotos)
These are some of the girls sports. They all have beautiful bodies.

Victoria’s Secret Girls Look Pretty for Charity, Extravagant Bishop Castle In Colorado, Is Weather Becoming More Extreme? and more


Victoria?s Secret Girls Look Pretty for Charity
Victoria?s Secret babes Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Lindsay Ellingson, and Lily Aldridge all showed up for the Victoria?s Secret Supermodel cycle to benefit cancer at SoulCycle Tribeca yesterday

Extravagant Bishop Castle In Colorado
In the middle of Cowboy Country Colorado you will find San Isabel National Forest and Bishop Castle

Is Weather Becoming More Extreme?
Extreme weather events have always been with us, and always will be. One can't point to a single severe storm, or even an entire harsh winter, as evidence of climate change.

Doggy Door Fail
This door wasn't made for this dog, that's for sure!

Soccer Girls
Beautifull Larissa Riquelme Photos

Curious Polar Bear Grabs a Woman [Video]
Let's see, polar bear's arms are what, 4 feet long? How close do you have to get for one to grab you LEG? I wonder if she was trying to give it a roundhouse kick to the face so it would do something interesting.

The Dating Paradox
?If you train one hour a day, two years from now you will master this art.? said the master. ?And how long will it take me if I train 8 hours a day?? asked the mentoree, ?If you train 8 hours a day, it will take you 5 years.

Its A Real Life Haunting Jeepers Creeper
Only the look is Hollywood otherwise is really real, shrouded in ivy, this 15th century cottage looks like it could play the part of a sinister house in next horror blockbuster.

Do You Wish to Continue? No
A collection of funny Pictures

12 North Korean Propaganda Posters
In case there were any doubt about just how unpleasantly weird Kim Jong Il?s tyrannical grip over North Korea, here are 12 examples of his propaganda posters

Kate Middleton And Her Daily Life Pics
Kate Middleton lives like a common people

20 Most Seductive Celebrity Moms!
Check out celebrity moms like Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, and more!

Hot Damn Pics 37
Collection of the funny pictures that will make you LOL

Baby Watermelon
A collection of funny Baby video

Creative way to make a bike

Free Apology, Determined, Overloaded Farm Vehicle Does a Wheelie and more


Free Apology
They're giving away free apologies with every fill up! I guess they just can't bite the bullet and give us some free gas instead!

Bird wants to take part in the game

Overloaded Farm Vehicle Does a Wheelie
An overloaded farm vehicle loses its balance on the 204 national highway in Guanyun county, Lianyungang city, East China?s Jiangsu province, July 15, 2011. No casualty was reported

Youtube Then Youtube Now Pic
A collection of funny Pictures

An Unmarried Angelina Jolie?
It appears that the sex goddess Angelina Jolie is finally getting married to Brad Pitt. Hopefully, this won?t prevent her from showing off her beautiful body on the big screen.

The Food Chain Of Power
A funny perception of the corporate ladder.

Close Meetings with the Bears
Do you think bears can be pets.See some cute bears who love people and want to play!!!

Cute & Naughty Brides
Today is their wedding so they can be naughty

Inception Clock
You must see this cool picture!

Just a CowWash
Many cows dream about it

Here Boy [Video]
Crazy video of this hale scientist and how he saved this big humpback whale

Luckiest People on Earth [Video]
People who had a lucky day

How Chinese Students Cool Off
It?s hard to escape heat in China. See how college students of Wuhan manage the heat.

Awesome House Built Inside an Old Container
Some old stuff, good inspiration and speediness creativity is all we needed to build our home

Tiny Heroes Of the Big War
There is a club that deals with making small figures that constitute beautiful dioramas

Some Storms Are Beautiful, Amazing Race, The Amazing Process Of Building Airplanes In Toulouse and more


Some Storms Are Beautiful
Although storms can be devastating, some are also very beautiful. They often have purple skies and billowing clouds that can be awesomely beautiful.

Amazing Race
What a funny picture

The Amazing Process Of Building Airplanes In Toulouse
The Airbus company invites you to participate in a tour across the aircraft factory in Toulouse. Below are 36 pictures of aircrafts with comments.

Top 10 Movie Classics Men Must See Before They Die
I?m sure most of you guys have seen a lot of the best, coolest and most exciting movies of the last 5-10 years. But, when it comes to this topic, a movie Time Machine is required. Here we go

Sizzling Sweeties Daily Dose (83 Pics)
You must see this cool pictures!

62 Years Of Formula 1 [Video]
From the Goodwood Festival of Speed 2011. The starting line features some of the Formula 1 cars (in chronological order) that have taken part in the circuit starting with the Mercedes-Benz from 1939

Incredible Look
Very funny picture! See it!

?Friends? How They Look Now
cast from Friends and how they look now

Damn So Close
We need more of such mascots.

10 Most Clever Animals In the World
Here?s a list of most intelligent animals in the world. The animal listed here is sorted by the level of intelligence. This list can?t be used as a scientific reference as this is just for your information. So If You have other more intelligence anima

Cat Wants Attention [Video]
Jelaus cat needs more attention

Changing Wrecked Ford in to ?Bugatti Veyron
It may look like a $1.6million Bugatti Veyron ? but this luxury sports car can be yours for only $89,000.

Undoubtedly the best way to grill is constantly rotating your meat.

10 Pool Toys Adults Can Enjoy Too
Adults love playing in the pool as much as kids do, but most of the pool accessories out there are geared toward those twelve and under

Eight Ways to ?Cheat? on Your Diet
With moderation in mind don?t be afraid to ?cheat? on your diet in the following ways

Unknown Facts About Steven Spielberg, I Love Water, Ghetto Garage Sale and more


Unknown Facts About Steven Spielberg
Academy Award winning director and avid Zionist oppressor Steven Spielberg appears to have been caught masturbating in the video below. As you can see, a man who bears a remarkably striking resemblance to Steven Spielberg was caught furiously stroking him

I Love Water
At first I was like strange feeling

Ghetto Garage Sale
A collection of funny Pictures

Ohh Its Mine
A collection of funny animals Pictures

Keanu The Union Soldier
You must see this cool picture!

This is not a new concept, we have featured here a couple of iphone4 bottle opening cases, the iBottle opener, and the BeAHeadcase.

Extremely Cute Girl
This girl looks very beautiful

Epic Fails
H?r? is ? n?w set ?f th? best ?nd th? most epic fails. ?nj?y.

Street Meat Revealed [Video]
Street Meat Revealed - think about this next time you think about having some hotdogs

Worst Grilled Cheese Ever
A collection of funny Pictures

LOL Pranks [Video]
Very funny video. Must see!

Early Summer of Kamchatka
Meteorologists think that summer begins when average daily temperatures reach +15 C.

Hot Toys has announced an exclusive action figure line from Toy Fairs 2011.

Lindsay Lohan is Back to Work!
So it looks like Lindsay Lohan?s jobs (specifically, handjobs, blowjobs, rimjobs ? you get the joke, let?s not run it into the ground) are paying off, because Lindsay is finally back in front of the camera!

The Ever Growing Debate On Global Warming (Infographic)
climate change is not only man-made but we have created more than our share of it. The United States alone, with less than 6% of the world?s population, contributes over 25% of the planet?s CO2 pollution. Yet, even with over 2,500 scientists from 130

Amazing Graffiti From Everywhere, Would You Like To Play With Them?, Greenspan Disgusted with American Youth and more


Amazing Graffiti From Everywhere
Creative street art from all over the world

Would You Like To Play With Them?
who said girls are not crazy about games

Greenspan Disgusted with American Youth
?In my day, we use to walk 20 miles in the snow to go to war, assassinating Korean civilians and spreading Democracy to Asia. We had real threats, like Communism. And none of this Taliban crap!?

Video Coat ? A Wearable LED TV
Inventor David Forbes is the proud owner of the world?s first video coat, a gadget/clothing item that allows him to display videos right on his body.

?Crack? Rider
Hitting the middle-age? Finally giving up the thought on that 6-8 pack abs? Buy a bike(and a pair of pants that fit), it?ll make you fell awesome! :D

10 Coolest Finds of Week
Since it?s nearly impossible for me to cover every cool story I come across, I?ve decided to start posting a weekly link roundup every Friday, so you guys can check the articles for yourselves. Enjoy!

Just a Small Croc
This crocodila can eat all of these people

People With Problems Using Stairs [Video]
Using stairs doesn?t seem so complicated

Lovely Cat and Dog Friendship [Video]
It's funny how cat and dog love each other

Megan Fox Claims She?s Had No Botox
OK there is no harm in admitting that I have several issues with Megan Fox?s ?no botox? photos. First, I honestly don?t care if she?s had botox or not. She?s hot and she?s an actress.

Funny and Cute Bear
First this bear played with his siblings, then he went fishing and?

Parade in Honor of Bastille Day
France celebrates its national Bastille Day holiday on July 14.

Perfect Timed Sports Photos
Collection of the funny sports pictures that will make you LOL

Megan Fox With Her Husband
Megan Fox looked pretty while on a stroll with her husband a few days ago ? here she is in a pair of shorts, matched with a red top and high platforms

Adriana Lima is So Close to Perfection
Oh Adriana Lima. I don?t know what to say about this one. To label her one of the sexiest models in the world almost feels like an understatement

Walmart Pranks 2011 [Video], Top 50 Funniest Bin Laden Pics Ever, Dog Yoga Classes and more


Walmart Pranks 2011 [Video]
Very funny video. Must see!

Top 50 Funniest Bin Laden Pics Ever
On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden was shot and killed inside a secured private residential compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by U.S. Navy SEALs in a covert operation authorized by U.S. President Barack Obama.

Dog Yoga Classes
Sniffing backsides, taking naps and feasting on daily treats can apparently be pretty stressful for dogs, so in order to relax they have to take dog yoga classes, or doga.

Real Working Bionic Eyes Already For Sale Soon!
The first working bionic eye is now a developing project ready to be for sale "soon" !

Top 5 Most Awesome Real Robots
Science fiction has given us a load of awesome robots: Optimus Prime, R2D2, the Terminator. Unfortunately, all of these are ? for now, at least ? fictional

Soccer Got Too Physical
During the Copa Libertadores Final between Santos and Penarol a nasty brawl broke out

House ?f ? Hardcore Beer Lover
Th? man wh? lives in this house d??s l?v? beer!

Six-Year-Old Beauty Queen Retires After 300 Wins
Meet Eden Wood. At the ripe young age of six and with 300 wins under her sash, Wood has announced her retirement from the beauty pageant circuit.

Most Strange Places to Live
This stunning Gothic Revival-style building is now one of the most extraordinary and largest single family homes in San Francisco

Katie Price In A Very Seductive Dress
Warning! Not recommended for people with weak heart, combined with summer heat these photos can be quite lethal!

Olivia Wilde in Marie Claire
Olivia Wilde rocks bangs, asymmetric cuts, ruffles and hair accessories in this month?s issue of Marie Claire Magazine ? here?s the red hot beauty on the cover, looking picture perfect with her light blue eyes and shiny brown locks

Big Appetites?
Everyone's got to eat. While, Look at the photos of celebrities that they caught with their mouth open every once in a while. Thanks to the big appetites of some of our favorite celebrities, some of these unfortunate dining moments get captured by the tri

Girls Who Like to Work Out
It can be a lot of fun to watch girls work out. This is especially true when they wear those tiny little workout outfits.

Emmy Nominations Announced
Emmy awards are always awaited and here comes the nomination on Thursday morning in Los Angeles

Amazing LEGO Batcave
You?ve got to be an expert at both LEGO-craft and Batman architecture to create a masterwork like this. And Alex Schranz is clearly both. He used somewhere between 8000-90000 Lego parts to build this 68-brick high Batcave replica, complete with Batman f

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